Isn’t it annoying to come across an error especially when you have to print an urgent document? There could be a lot of errors that may seem to be troubling you while you use any device such as printers, PCs, and so on. But, some of these errors are hard to resolve and need special attention as compared to the others. One such error is hp printer supply memory error. This error may also appear as hp printer 10.1000 supply memory error which has the same meaning as the previous one.
HP printer supply memory error
Some common factors responsible for the error
There are some most obvious and common reasons that might be causing this error in your printer’s control panel and these reasons are listed here:
In case the product has been packed loosely.
· You forget to remove the protective strips from the toners.
· Or, the metal contacts are squashed which are not letting the printer connected to the toner.
· The toner has some broken pieces which are not letting the toner adjust in its position.
· The printer software or the firmware is outdated.
· Methods to fix hp printer 10.1000 supply memory error
Method 1- toner cartridge re-installation
· Open the cartridge door by pressing the release button.
· After that, take out the toner cartridge from its place.
· Then, place the toner back to its position.
· Do not forget to close the toner cartridge door.
· Press the door firmly until you hear a click sound.
Method 2- try resetting the printer
· Disconnect the power cord from the printer while it is turned on.
· Now, unplug the power cord from the power source as well.
· After that, wait for up to 60 seconds.
· Re-connect all the cables back to their original places.
· Turn on your printer and see if it helps.
Method 3- try replacing the toner cartridge
Make sure you are using genuine HP cartridges in case you do not want to come across any such error. Thus, if you are using non-HP cartridges, try replacing them with new and genuine cartridges. To replace the toner cartridges, follow these steps:
· First, open the cartridge door by pressing the release button.
· Now, pull out the toner cartridge by grasping its handle.
· After that, get the new cartridges and remove them from their packaging.
· Then, remove the orange cover from the new cartridge.
· Next, pull out the orange tab to get rid of the seal.
· It’s time to insert the toner cartridge until it locks in its position.
· In case you are seeing this error message on HP LaserJet Pro M1212, M1213, M1217, and M1219 Multifunction Printers, then you must try the next method as well.
Method 4- Service the printer
In case none of the above-given solutions helped you in getting rid of the issue, then it is time to service the printer for which you need to take it to the HP Support Service Center. If your hp printer is under warranty, you will get free services to get your printer working again. In case your product is not under warranty, then you might need to pay some fees for the servicing.
These solutions will definitely get your printer to work again like before. These are the tried and tested solutions that have helped other users as well in getting rid of the hp printer supply memory error and hopefully it will help you too.
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